I am available to give presentations to Photographic clubs, RSPB and Wildlife groups, U3A`s, Horticultural and W.I. groups. I can do this either by visiting your club or as has been happening more recently, via the zoom platform.
The first eight talks are suitable for photographic clubs. The following seven talks are more natural history based and therefore more suitable for non photographic groups.
Nature in Macro Photography
This talk shows how I approach photographing the wide assortment of butterflies, moths, damselflies, dragonflies and other insects found in the UK. It also covers fungi, wildflowers and orchids, reptiles, amphibians..
New Images 2020 - Why I Switched
This talk was put together at the start of 2020, and covers a wide range of subject matter, in both colour and monochrome. Although a Canon user for nearly 25 years, I changed to the Olympus micro four thirds system at the end of 2018..
Capturing the Decisive Moment - Sport & Action
Most photographers think you can only get good sport pictures if you have a fast telephoto lens and a press pass. This talk covers numerous sports where you can get great images without the need for expensive equipment or the need for a press pass. It also explains how to apply for sports that you do need some form of accreditation in order to take photographs.

All the Gear and No Idea
We all know people in camera clubs that have all the latest camera equipment, but they never seem able to ‘consistently’ take winning images. Yet other people in the club seem to regularly produce images that score highly. Why is this?
Photographing Wildlife in your Garden
This is a new talk that I put together primarily as a zoom presentation. Most of the images in this talk were taken during the initial lockdown of the Spring of 2020. 85% of all the images were taken in my own garden, with the remaining 15% taken in one of my neighbour’s gardens.
How it Started - How it Finished
This talk is dived into two individual sections. The first section is the result of images taken during a project I undertook in 2017. The project was to put together a talk in which all the images were taken within a calendar year. It covers quite a wide spectrum of photography, - Sport, Nature, Landscape, Portraits and Photojournalism. It is a mixture of both colour and monochrome images.
Nature Photography in the UK - Tips and tricks
This talk shows how to go about photographing wildlife subjects in the UK. It explains what equipment you will need, how to work from hides, how to set up a feeding station, how to stalk wild birds/animals, as well as showing some of the top locations in the UK where you can go to get great nature shots.
Working in Themed Panels - A Print Talk
This is a print talk that explains the thinking and construction of print panels. Most camera club members can produce individual images successfully, however working in ‘themed panels’ requires a different approach. It explains the ‘thinking’ behind constructing panels and where this method of working is most suitable. An example would be someone contemplating going for an RPS distinction, which is a totally different genre of working compared to someone contemplating the PAGB distinction.